Hello dear HSC Candidate, after few days, you will get your HSC result 2020. And today I will let you know how you can get your HSC Exam Result 2020 by SMS or from Web step by Step. So, lets get into the details of How to get HSC Result 2020 by sms or web. If you need this post in Bangla please have a look at এইচ এস সি রেজার্ট ২০২০ বের করার নিয়ম
As you already see from title, there are two option to get your HSC exam Result, one is by SMS and and other one is from Web. And due to Server Issue, sometime education board result server goes out of service or make delay to respond. Well, not to worry, we have sms option instant 🙂

Contents Table
Get HSC Result 2020 by SMS
Getting HSC Result by SMS is not that big deal. Just you need to follow some instruction as below. So, take your Phone in hand and go to SMS option. Now start typing like below.
HSC Dha 777688 2020
let me enplane. At the very first as you see it’s HSC and then first 3 later of your Board Name . And after that, your Roll Number and al last exam year like 2020. Now send it to 16222.
You can copy the above and change your board and roll, then send it to 16222. And for your board short name, you can have a look on below table about HSC Board List and Short Code.
if you are from Technical or Madrasah Board you can follow like this.
Alim Result 2020 by SMS
Copy below and change your roll and then send it to 16222 to get your Alim Result 2020 by SMS.
HSC Mad 777688 2020
HSC Board List and Short form
encase you need the short code of your board, you can have a look on below table.
Board Name | Short Code |
Barisal | Bar |
Chittagong | Chi |
Chomilla | Com |
Dhaka | Dhk |
Dinajpur | Din |
Jessore | Jes |
Rajshahi | Raj |
Sylhet | Syl |
Madrasah | Mad |
Technical | Tec |

HSC Result of 2020 from web
Lets have a look on how to get HSC Exam Result 2020 from Web. Well, you need to go to educationboareresult website ( Ministry of Education ) and the link of that site is http://www.educationboardresults.gov.bd/
Once you are there, you will have to choose your Exam type and Board first like below image. The first 3 field will be like below image. The 3rd one is according to your Education Broad of Higher Secondary Education Board.

Now type your Road and Reg No and then you need to solve the simple math problem. And then submit, if everything is fine, you will receive your HSC Result.